AdBlue Nozzle Magnet Tank Filler Adapter
The Magnetic Tank Spout Adaptor is designed to prevent miss-filling AdBlue into diesel fuel tanks. This adapter is designed to fit in your vehicles AdBlue filler port. It can also be used as a mobile solution allowing service station AdBlue nozzles to fill ute packs and jerry cans.
AdBlue AUS32 DEF Magnetic Tank Filler Adapter
To prevent users from accidently filling AdBlue into their vehicle diesel tank, a special filler nozzle is used at service stations. The nozzle used incorporates a protection, such that fluid only passes the nozzle when it senses a magnetic collar.
Users will be unable to fill jerry cans or AdBlue ute packs without this magnetic collar as the nozzle protection will prevent flow.
This universal magnetic filler neck collar fits into the vehicle's AdBlue fill point allowing service station automatic magnetic spout nozzles to work.
This adapter is also handy and necessary if you're looking to fill jerry cans or AdBlue ute packs as it will allow vessels without the incorporated magnetic fill ring to be filled.
AdBlue is commonly mistaken as a fuel additive and mixed with diesel in error. Vehicles and trucks requiring AdBlue will have a separate tank and filler for AdBlue. The 19mm ID on the magnetic adaptor prevents larger diesel nozzle spouts from fitting into the fill point therefore avoiding the miss-filling of diesel fuel into an AdBlue tank. The incorporated magnetic ring allows AdBlue to be dispensed at service stations.
AdBlue Adapter Features:
Universal design fits any vehicle's AdBlue fill point
19mm ID of the magnetic adaptor prevents larger diesel nozzle
Portable and fast to fit
Fill any tank from your local service station AdBlue dispenser